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Ivingswood Academy is a one form entry combined school for children aged 2 to 11.

We have two admission points:

We offer 30 places each year in our Reception class, mostly from our catchment area. ​The children are all admitted into the Reception class from September.

We also admit a further 2 children into Year 3.

The Headteacher offers several tours of the school in the Autumn term for prospective parents.

KIngs Education Trust is our admissions authority, however all our admissions are dealt with by Buckinghamshire  Council. All admission forms must be completed by the parents on or before the January deadline,   as set out on the Local Authority website.

In-year admissions

If you'd like to apply for your child to join Ivingswood Academy outside of the normal start of school (September), you will need to apply via Buckinghamshire Council - please click here 

Ivingswood Academy Admissions Policies