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School Lunches

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2

Children in Reception and Years 1 & 2 are entitled to a free hot school meal each day. If you would not like your child to have a school meal, please let the school office know and provide a packed lunch instead.

Although the meals are free, parents will still need to book what food they would like their child to have - this is done via ParentPay. Please ensure that all orders are placed by 12pm each Thursday  for the following week.

Years 3 - 6

Parents who have children in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 who wish to have a hot school meal at lunchtime, please see Miss Smith in the school office.

Parents can then obtain a Parentpay activation letter to access the website and pay and order online. If you prefer you can also collect a dinner money barcode letter so you can pay at the local Greenway parade off- licence pay point. Each weekly payment is £11.50, or £2.30 daily.

Please ensure that all orders are placed by 9am each morning.

Our lunches are provided by Culinera, their website is below.

Culinera - New Catering Company

Please access your Parent Pay account by clicking here
